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Hello everyone, Cyndi here hoping you are all doing well. The holidays are over and many of us are reevaluating our goals for the year. In the past, one of our goals was making YouTube videos. You may have noticed that we haven’t posted any new ones in some time. While rebranding our site to focus on market gardening, we’ve also been refocusing our goals.

When our chicken pen video went a little viral four years ago, we were so excited and thought it would be amazing to do that again and again, but it’s not that simple.

Making videos requires a lot of time and effort and the more work we’d put into it; the less they would gain views. My hat is off to those who are successful because there is magic in making a go of YouTubing. If that is your goal; there is some wizardry that comes with gaining views and subscribers and then keeping them. And while I suspect we will make more videos; I don’t believe it will be our main goal.

Since we are getting older, George has been looking at ways to supplement retirement and stay healthy while doing so. While my creative outlet is making art and web development, George is still working on his career. But being a beekeeper and keeping a garden is something he is passionate about and proving to be his creative outlet. There is joy in watching something grow and then reaping the harvest.

This is the lettuce he has growing for us and our Guinea Pigs and he currently has over 700 seed starts in the green room. Here’s to setting some huge goals for 2025!

Thanks for visiting!


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Categories: Farm


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