We have thee types of Rabbiteye Blueberries planted in what I lovingly call, the back 40! Hello, Cyndi here to talk a little about our blueberries.
Over this last summer, we purchased three kinds of blueberries and have now planted them along the back of our property. There is talk of getting more and encircling all of the back 40 area but we’ll see. Currently we have four of each type. The three kinds we currently have are…
Tifblue ~ Brightwell ~ Powder-blue

Rabbiteye blueberries are called so because of their pink color when the berries are formed. It is said that they look like the pink eye of an albino bunny, thus rabbiteye.
These blueberries are native to our southeastern area in the US. They are heat and drought tolerant and grow in zones 6 through 9. (We are zone 8b) They produce delicious fruit, I know because some of them have already formed fruit that we have tasted.
Tifblue They can grow up to ten feet tall and six feet wide. They will flower in the spring, develop berries in the summer and in the fall their leaves will turn a rich burgundy color.
Brightwell Blueberries will grow up to eight feet tall and wide! They will produce medium sized deep blue berries and are known for their attractive fall foliage.
Powder-Blue Blueberries are one of the toughest plants and will ripen later in the season. They will grow anywhere from eight to twelve feet tall and wide! Blooms form late in the spring with a harvest in late summer. We added these for a longer growing season which will help to feed our honey bees later in the season.

Our honey bees are pros at finding their pollen and nectar. Many plants will bloom in the spring but it’s important that they find flowers in the summer too. It has not been a problem here so far, living in the south where there is always something blooming. We are blessed to live in an area where they are still bringing in food from somewhere…even in November!
Now, I wanted to post pictures of each type of blueberry but all I can find are comparisons between rabbiteye blueberries vs other varieties, not between rabbiteye. I may try and post our own photos when they fruit just to see if there is a difference. Maybe they all look the same except for size.
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