George finished planting the blueberries! We have sixteen plants of four different varieties for cross-pollination. He mixed compost and mulch with our clay and added something to lower the pH level of the soil. Blueberries love acidic soil.
The plan is to finish surrounding them with landscape fabric and then build the cages around them to protect them from birds. He got a deal on the cages from the manufacturer which was cheaper than
They look similar to the one below but this looks wider. I believe ours are nine feet wide and the plan is to join them all together. We will be able to walk from one end to the other. The plants are set five feet apart. He mentioned placing the tarp on the back bottom part of the cages in case the neighbor decides to spray his fence line with chemicals.

The bees will love the berry blossoms in the spring and we are excited to see them grow, I believe they will do well here.

Thanks for visiting!
♥ tootles ♥