Until recently, I’d never heard of 3D fencing. 3D fencing is made of two fences instead of one. The inside is a taller fence with two lines, and the outside is a shorter single-line fence. Both contain hot wire.

It is built with a 3-foot gap between the two and is meant to confuse a jumping animal’s depth perception and zap them if they touch it. It is mainly used for deer, elk, and moose.
These fences can be built to stay put with wooden posts drilled into the ground or you can use T posts and aluminum spike posts so it can be moved if/when needed. We used the movable posts so we could adjust them if needed.
Different companies sell these fences as kits, we used Premier 1 Fencing as they carry all sorts of farm supplies, but we are not affiliated with them at this time…not that we wouldn’t like to be!
I think George found them online because they also sell Beehive protection which he was looking into.

Now, it cuts through the middle of our back property and I don’t think it’s too pretty. I like things to be evenly distributed and neat and I’d like them to reach the ends of our property.
😊 I’d love a privacy fence around our whole back property. 😊
Getting the orchard neat now means mowing AND weed-eating around its perimeter, so it’s not as clean-looking as when he first installed it, but it does work.
Since a huge privacy fence is not in the budget, we recently bought some blueberry bushes for a live hedge along the back. They came in yesterday so more to come about those!
Maybe I will have my secret garden sooner than I thought!
Parts List
- SolarStop™ 80 Fence Energizer Kit with Digital Tester
- Double Insulated Wire
- RopeLink 2.6 (for 6mm rope)
- EnduraSoft® 6.0
- Drive Cap for 3/8″ posts
- SmoothCote™ FiberRods
- ScrewOn Rope/Tape Insulator
- Scent Caps
- Apple Scent, 4 oz bottle
- Warning Sign
- PI 21 Terminal Insulator
- PI 21n Notched Terminal Insulator
Parts for Gate
- SafeHandle
- Steel T Post Activator
- Premier Combo Insulator
Images from Unsplash.com