I am not a big news follower, I know I should pay more attention. But the avian flu recently caught my eye as it is spreading to mammals. It’s happening to mountain lions, foxes, bobcats, and even harbor seals! This, as you know, is what has driven the cost of eggs up in the past due to culling so many chickens to avoid the spread of diseases. It reminds me of how fragile life can be and that we should take better care of our planet.
We keep our chickens clean in their pen and feed them things that we feel make them strong and healthy in the hopes of virus prevention. We give them some veggie and fruit peelings as treats and the best feed we can afford for them.
I found a company that takes the waste from grocery stores and restaurants and turns it into food for fly larvae that we then can feed our chickens. Grub-Terra pledges that for every 1 pound we buy for our chickens, they up-cycle 20 pounds of food waste. It is a really good source of protein for egg production and healthy chickens.
Our flock loves the black soldier fly larvae so George goes out on his lunch break and they press themselves up against the pen to be first to get their snacks. Little things add up in my opinion, better choices for healthier birds make a difference.