It started small, George found a simple recipe for some bread machine bread and it turned out pretty good, who doesn’t love the smell of freshly baked bread in the house? My bread machine must be 25 years old and it still worked!
Then George tried an easy artisan recipe with little to no kneading. THEN he discovered that my mixer had a dough hook and that was all it took. We’d been paying almost $6 for a loaf of “fancy” bread, it was healthy and we loved the complex & filling flavors.
He did some research and after using wheat flour he found some sprouted wheat and ordered it. In this video, he will show you an easy recipe that he uses to make his sandwich bread which has turned out to be much cheaper than the store kind and very tasty.
I have been doing the keto thing since February, so imagine the joy of smelling this wonderful bread baking in the house when I am on a low-carb diet! Enough was enough, the other day he made cinnamon rolls that were to die for and you bet I had some. So I looked up and found some keto bread recipes. Last week he made me some keto banana nut bread and it was pretty good, not the real thing but better than nothing.
He wants to do more baking this winter and will post some more recipes on his bread-baking journey. Let me know if you have any interest in keto bread recipes