Meet Gracie

This is Miss Gracie, our 6-year-old “Parti” Yorkshire Terrier. She is around 4½ to 5 pounds but not a teacup…I will not get on my soap box about inner breeding for unhealthy dogs. She was just the runt of the litter, but only on the inside. She is as tough Read more…

Winter Ready Chickens

Hello everyone, Happy Thanksgiving! Living in zone 8b means it doesn’t usually get chilly here until November and winter doesn’t usually start until January. But when it does, we like to make sure our chickens are eating well and getting all the nutrients they need for the colder weather. This Read more…

End of the Line

I think it’s the end of the line for our peppers this year. George went out last night and gathered what he could before the temperature dropped to nearly freezing last night. We have quite a few gigantic jalapeños and some beautiful bell peppers too. The basil had already bolted Read more…