Hello, everyone. We have something new to share. As we get closer to our debut at the Farmers’ Market in April, I am creating a mailing list for you.
In it, I can give you the scoop on where we’ll be and what we’ll have to sell. Also, we’d like to offer special discounts to you, our viewers.
You can unsubscribe anytime.
We have been approved to sell at any Horry County Farmer’s Market, so with our newsletter, you’ll be able to find us. We are considering pre-orders as well, but let us get our feet wet first.
George seems to think we’ll be at a market twice a month depending on our harvests, so I think the newsletter should be once a month or maybe twice if something changes in our itinerary.
I may include some planting instructions for the seed starts and some recipes. If you can think of anything you’d like me to add, please comment below. If you have a recipe, I’d love to share it with our viewers in your name.
What we’ll be selling.

I know we plan on selling seed-starts in the beginning. We will have vegetables and honey when it’s time to harvest. I believe the honey can be harvested in June.
Our fruit trees (peach, pear, plum) are still pretty young, and we just don’t know how many blueberries we’ll have with only sixteen bushes, but we will see.
We have around a dozen chickens at the moment, and not all are laying due to age. George wants to get more so we can sell fresh eggs in the future but there are some requirements needed first.
Well, that was it. Sign up for our newsletter so you can find us. I will be working on getting my first one posted in April. Thank you for visiting, and take care!
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