What a difference a few days make here in the Carolinas. Our weather is so weird. One day, it will be a high of 48 °, and today’s high is 75°. It can be tricky for gardeners who want to utilize all the warmth they can for their gardens.
Our Setup.
We have a room in the house we call the “green room”. George has metal shelves set up with grow lights for his seed starts. It is also a south-facing room with loads of sunshine and would be a great place to winterize my outdoor plants…if there were any room left. Haha
Our Greenhouse
We also have a cute little greenhouse that George built soon after we moved into our new farmhouse. We thought it could be used in the winter because we get so much sunshine here…but it wasn’t initially built for the cold as it is not insulated and has a gravel floor with lots of drafts. However, the whole top half is made of plexiglass making it too hot in the spring and fall; plastic melts. Of course, we do not need it in the summer. He has a nice shade cloth all over the top to block out a percentage of the sun for spring and fall.

Earlier this month he sealed up all the drafts and added a greenhouse heater, thermostat, and an outdoor fan for the heat. He has more plans like adding vents when it gets hot to help with airflow. He tested the heater on a 20° night and he was able to keep the temperature above 50° which is great. He is now testing for spring and fall to ensure it doesn’t get too hot.

George set out a mix of veggies today to give them some real sunshine where usually he’d set them out to harden. He can’t plant them in the ground yet because of the yo-yo weather as he has some peppers and tomatoes that won’t tolerate the cold or the 50° greenhouse at night.

That is it for now. Thank you so much for visiting. Please, if you have any questions or comments, post them, I’d love to hear from you.
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