Happy February everyone, Cyndi here with an update on what’s been going on here at the farm this cold winter month. George had transplanted the lettuce and cauliflower right before we got hit with a rare snowstorm! We hardly ever get snow here in zone 8b, but January 22nd we received over 6 inches, and it was beautiful! George covered up the rows to protect them from the cold and today he picked some stunning lettuce! The cauliflower is doing well too, those row covers really work to keep the cold out!
So, we had to buy dirt for our bad soil and decided to put it on the outside of our garden area where we could conveniently move it as needed. It was 20 yards of dirt. It was dumped next to our county-maintained ditch that didn’t get cleared until last year after living here for four years. Well, you guessed it, they came the very next day to mow! Isn’t life funny!

George spoke to the driver and asked if he could make us last on his list, so he’d have a chance to move half of it over. The gentleman did one better, he came at the end of his shift on Friday and only mowed half, giving us the entire weekend to move dirt. The weather warmed up and George was able to move half of it (10 yards), giving them plenty of room to mow.
Piggies (skip if you are squeamish)
We currently have four guinea pigs that I’ve adopted over the years. The eldest one, Pearl, recently came down with bumblefoot. I’m very familiar with the ailment but never had one with it before now. I soaked her foot in a mix of betadine and water for ten minutes twice a day and wrapped it with Neosporin. It looked better after two days as the scab was smaller on the bottom of her foot. I placed her in a warm bath because the sticky wrap had gotten on her hair and while drying it, blood and pus gushed out the top of her foot. Her foot turned blue from the blood and swelled up, so we rushed her to the emergency room! The vet agreed with me that it was bumblefoot and prescribed antibiotics and pain meds. She said I’d done everything right and to keep doing the same except only soak it once a day. She also said that since Pearl is a senior, this could happen again, and we might have to put her down. Today her foot has healed but she is not herself and just seemed cold. I introduced her to my red-light therapy wrap and she really seems to like it very much. Anything I can do to make her comfortable, I’m doing. She began bathing herself. I think she knows how much we adore her.

Thank you for checking on our status and I’m so glad you are here! Take care and stay out of the cold!