
What a difference a few days make here in the Carolinas. Our weather is so weird. One day, it will be a high of 48 °, and today’s high is 75°. It can be tricky for gardeners who want to utilize all the warmth they can for their gardens. Our Read more…

Cold Month

Gardening Happy February everyone, Cyndi here with an update on what’s been going on here at the farm this cold winter month. George had transplanted the lettuce and cauliflower right before we got hit with a rare snowstorm! We hardly ever get snow here in zone 8b, but January 22nd Read more…

2025 Goals

Hello everyone, Cyndi here hoping you are all doing well. The holidays are over and many of us are reevaluating our goals for the year. In the past, one of our goals was making YouTube videos. You may have noticed that we haven’t posted any new ones in some time. Read more…

Cauliflower Pride

This November, George’s cauliflower started growing really well. To the left you can see them under all the leaves! We ended up giving around 7 heads away to family and friends and still had tons left over to put in the freezer. Cauliflower Steak? We even made some cauliflower “steaks” Read more…


Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing well. George was out in the garden this morning as its a little warmer than it has been for a while. He snapped a picture of this beautiful veggie for us this morning so I had to share… The cauliflower are doing Read more…

Division of duties

Hello everyone, Cyndi here to talk about our division of duties. This my be weird to read but from talking to others, I don’t think it’s unusual. You will often see only one person representing a youtube channel, sometimes with an occasional child present and sometimes a family will all Read more…